~ Winston Churchill

I just finished reading the book Water For Elephants by Sara Gruen. It's sort of a behind the scenes look at a 1930's circus and all the politics and struggles of workers and performers living a traveling gypsies life.
I've never spent a lot of time thinking about the circ
us. It's not something that we ever experience in our modern age. At least nothing like how it used to be, where the circus coming to town was the main event. Reading about all the animal abuse was hard to get through but there are many tender moments as well that almost make up for it. Times were tough in the 1930's and just reading about how these people survived makes me so grateful to live how I do.
Please please read this book! I gained so much unusual knowledge that I'm sure will make an interesting conversation starter or something along those lines. Enjoi!

Already read it. Like you, it wasn't something I would have thought to read, the circus doesn't mean anything in my life personally. But I read it for a reading group and I just couldn't put it down. I've recommended it to everyone I know who reads now.
I read your Blogger profile, looks like we have a lot in common. Except for that "instant oatmeal" thing - bleh. Long cooking oats are so much better! But I think we can agree on oatmeal in general, yes?
definitely gonna pick up a copy, I love reading! have you read read three cups of tea?
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