Saturday, March 21, 2009

Emmanuel Polanco

I am in love with Emmanuel Polanco's dark collage art aren't you? He's really fearless in his composition in my opinion. I'm a fan. 


Kay Adams said...

Yes, yes, I am in love with those.

Industrialsparkle said...

I love these. Especially the first one.

herecomesthesun said...

oh wow i really like those!

Anonymous said...

Hi Julianna!

Thank you so much for your sweet comment!! I'm so glad you have seen my show and enjoy it!

Yes! I will be putting my stuff in my etsy shop early next week, and my artist reception (and moorea's!) is on April 9th at 6pm. I'd love to see you there!

I wrote a blog post earlier about my etsy changes, and basically I will be having limited prints rotating. (That way I can be a little more "fine-art minded." Your comment seriously made my day! I'm so happy with my show, and am thrilled to finally share it! Keep posted for the update!
