Saturday, May 9, 2009

Inspiration of the Day: Back to Belly Dance

Yesterday I was looking at some beautiful hip scarves on eBay and I felt a renewed desire to take belly dancing back up after about 4 years of losing all that stomach muscle unfortunately. Ugh it's so much harder now! I started back up watching those Shakira (she's really is an amazing belly dancer) videos that had inspired me so long ago and I got lost browsing all the wonderful costume shops that are online. So maybe this will inspire you too. It's really great exercise and lots of fun (especially wearing the costumes)!


Costume Online Shops: 

Bellydancing Videos & Instructional DVD's: 

The first choreography I learned haha (below)

1 comment:

Decorative Bra Straps said...

Video is awesome! thank you for sharing it with us!!