Friday, May 29, 2009

FolkLife '09 & Boe Oddisey

Well FolkLife was again a success this year. It's changed a lot since I first started going about 7 years ago but I still enjoy going if I lay in the grass instead of trying to fight my way through the crowds. 
The most joyful part of FolkLife as those of you from Seattle know, is Boe Oddisey who I wrote about after last years festival here. He's always a sight for sore eyes. Below is a polaroid of he and I dancing with the aid of his signature scarves. Thanks Boe!

Thanks to FolkLife I'm now just able dying for summer to start. I graduate college in 16 days!!! And then hopefully....after I find a job....I can relax and start planning out those festivals! So in case you'll be in the Seattle area this summer here are a list of the upcoming TO-DO's:





1 comment:

Allie said...

Ooh, this list is muy helpful. Glad you'll still be in Seattle after graduation, by the way!